Why should I use an AI social publishing tool?

AI Social Publishing Tool

If you’re new to social publishing, there are some common questions:

How often do I post?

Should I post across other platforms?

How do I set my content up for success?

For now, let’s start with one of the most critical questions:

Why should I use an AI social publishing tool?

You probably need to know what an AI social publishing tool is. If a social publishing tool lets you manage your social channels more efficiently, an AI social tool can recreate that efficiency automatically. You can schedule posts, add captions, add hashtags, and navigate your posting from one place – also (or), you can let machine learning do it for you.

A good AI social publishing tool will make your social media game a lot stronger and a heck of a lot easier. 

Scheduling posts

Scheduling posts is the most basic functionality of a social publishing tool. It is what it sounds like – you can schedule them in advance, so you don’t have to be available to post constantly. You can adjust your cadence based on the platform, content production, and other variables impacting your posting capacity.

Once you set your cadence, most tools will allow you to set consistent posting slots you can fill daily as you have content. Of course, your cadence will be very different from that of a business for news content and other high-volume publishers. That’s okay! Just be sure to figure out your staff’s capacity and your audience responsiveness. 

Building a successful posting schedule involves leveraging data and insights to determine your audience’s consumption behavior & availability. For Facebook, you can do some API pulls that will enable you to figure out when your audience is online and other essential elements that help drive data-driven decisions.

AI publishing takes it to the next level: autonomously taking your editorial rules, the performance of your on-site content, historical social platform performance, and audience availability to begin making posting decisions with no human involvement required. This saved time to be invested in the creation process or engaging with your devoted audience.

Social optimization

Both essential and AI social publishing tools will allow you to adjust each platform’s headlines, images, social copy, and hashtags. Optimizations help you change each post for the intended audience. All platforms are not equal, and you’ll need to approach them all a bit differently. 

Facebook, for example, doesn’t benefit (much) from hashtag usage. On the other hand, Instagram thrives on it and can benefit from as many as 30. Twitter, meanwhile, should include 1-3 hashtags at most. TikTok sees a significant boost from hashtags, but you’re limited to 100 characters per post.

Any social tool should allow you to set up your post builds because this is an important step that can save you an insane amount of time.

Social Media Analytics

Using AI to dive into your social analytics and look at what is performing and what isn’t. This information can help you make better choices every step of the way, from content selection to distribution. Understanding what your audience responds to is a critical part of your success on social media.

It can take hours to analyze data effectively, and humans will never process numbers as efficiently as AI can.

AI social posting

If you use True Anthem, we can take social publishing a step further. Beyond scheduling posts and formatting them across platforms, we offer automated posting. Based on the data and algorithm knowledge we gain from millions of posts across our customer base, these posts will populate in a queue. 

We can look at your new content, evergreen content, platform trends, and more to pull appropriate content into a queue. Then, all you need to do is approve it (or not!) and let us handle the rest.

We even build custom social meta fields in your CMS to allow you to set up your social copy, images, and descriptions without ever touching a social publishing tool. Our AI social publishing tool will drive scalable results for your social media channels. Why wait? Reach out for a one-on-one demo today.

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