How to drive more social media traffic

Drive More Social Media Traffic

We all want to drive more social media traffic. Every time somebody lands on your content, they are one step closer to becoming a daily reader or subscriber.

Even those casual readers and followers share your brand, increasing your name recognition and your site or article ranking. High numbers mean more opportunities and revenue from online advertising, subscriptions, or whatever way you monetize your content.

In short, yes. Traffic matters. But it’s more than just numbers.

Not All Traffic is Created Equal

If your earnings depend on the number of people who view your content, then having loyal readers that come back from social media is key to your success. Devoted followers who share and engage and keep coming back are crucial.

So, how do we grow this list of loyal followers? By ensuring every visitor finds something worth staying for. Don’t worry, this is doable!

You’ll need to start by identifying your reader profiles and figuring out what they like. Then, you can create content that will .

The more in-depth your user analysis, the stronger your strategy. Meta companies already have all the stats you need for this study, ready to be taken advantage of. The problem, though, is that this can be almost impossible to sift through and/or use effectively. This is where AI can help! A good AI can organize large amounts of data and help you make these decisions.

Strategies to Turn your Social Media Posts into Visitors 

To ensure your posts bring visitors, you need to jolt users away from their lunch-break aimless scrolling. You need to offer something captivating, simple to follow up on, and enticing them to interact. 

Here are four simple strategies to achieve this.

1.  Turn your IG into a landing page

Instagram offers a premium medium to share enticing pictures and videos. It’s useful for an online catalog, but it can be hard to communicate deeper ideas and transition to long-form content.

One way to drive people to deeper content from Instagram is with a simple link-in bio tool. No, we aren’t just talking about. a link in bio—this is so much more. It will provide a data-rich landing page that will be easy to navigate from mobile devices. Each visitor can find a link to your other channels or featured posts, blended seamlessly with the demographic information that IG already has on your readers.

2.  Invest in Reels and Stories

Short, often cheeky, and intimate, Instagram Stories and Reels are also immensely interactive. Sliding-bar polls and flashy emojis will make it easier for anyone to participate in the conversation without much pre-production.

Until recently, their potential as traffic drivers was obscured by two defects: they were short-lived and disappeared after 24 hours. Second, they replaced clicking with “swiping up,” which would immediately drive users outside Instagram and end any further interaction.

Thanks to the introduction of Highlighted Stories and link stickers, both hurdles seem firmly in the past.

3.  Tweak your Evergreen “Hero” pieces

Did your team accidentally land on a viral post recently? Repeating the feat is hard, especially if you don’t know why a previous piece exploded. Honestly, we just don’t know most of the time.

These “Hero” pieces should not fade into obscurity. They can become evergreen content with just a few tweaks or prolong their relevance for a few extra weeks. Often, you just need to add minor updates on a developing story, or a few extra details, to satisfy Google’s demand for new content. 

You’ll get a sure hit to make the most of your peak posting hours. Any FB or Twitter reshares will drive additional visitors to your site for relatively little effort.

4. Make your site posts easy to share

Did you know that there are things you can do to make your posts super shareable from your website?

  • First, you need to make sure your content is worth sharing. That’s where it all starts. Is it funny? relevant? Helpful? Are you ensuring there are Tweetable quotes and great headlines? All of this matters more than anything else.
  • Install share buttons on your site to eliminate any extra steps.
  • Format your posts well. They need to be scannable and easy to navigate or people will jump right off if they can’t find what they’re looking for.
  • Visuals are essential. Infographics, charts, illustrations, and good images can make a world of difference—nobody wants to see a wall of text when they’re scanning for information on their phone.

5. Develop a good social media strategy

In short, have one. Haphazard social posting is going to kill your engagement.

A strategy encompasses every piece of social sharing, from. content creating through analyzing data from your social posts. Be intentional with every step of the process. A good strategy will look at:

  • Content selection. Is it relevant, timely, on brand, and targeted to the correct audience? If it isn’t, write something else.
  • Use your data. Your process should be informed by what you already know about your audience. Look at the data you have to make good decisions about what content you create, and how you post it.
  • Posting times. When it began, many online marketers held quasi-superstitious beliefs about supposed “peak hours,” where each company should be posting. Now we know that ideal posting schedules vary as much as your audience. Thanks to AI tools, you can now get minute-by-minute analyses of your users and followers.
  • Post formats. Videos, images, text posts, links… what works with your audience? Chances are, all of them in some form, depending on the platform. So put in some work and make sure you’re getting a good balance of format types and that they’re working for your audience

This is where a tool such as True Anthem Organic can provide you with more data for less effort. Our algorithms can monitor the type of content your audience craves, delivering it automatically at the most efficient time.

If your revenue is dependent on traffic from social media, then stop guessing and invest in data and AI tools that can help you predictably grow your traffic and revenue from social media.

If you would like to know more about getting set up, contact True Anthem. We’ll give you a personalized demo and help you get started.

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