Repurposing content for social media

Repurposing content for social media

Repurposing content for social media is an integral part of content creation. The goal is simple: maximize your social media reach and get people to your website. But how do you get the most out of your created content? It’s not as simple as posting things over and over. Strategically repurposing content for social media channels can get the most bang for your buck.

Why it’s important

Social media is a 24-hour game. Limiting your posting to business hours is not an option if you want to see growth—your content should always be circulating. By staying present on your social channels all the time, you’re maximizing your audience and giving your content another chance.

You may feel like you’re posting too much, but you’re probably not posting enough. Think about it this way: Even pages with an engaged audience see about 10%-20% reach. You’re likely catching a different group of people by reposting things a few times.

Additionally, if you’re short on staff or time, it’s easy to stay on top of the social game by strategically reusing your content.

Tips for repurposing content effectively

Repurposing content for social media is straightforward, but some ways are more effective than others. You don’t want a page full of redundant photos and headlines. Here are some simple ways to move forward:

  • Change the image. When you repost, take the time to choose a new image for social. People are likely to tune things out if they scroll by the same image more than once.
  • Try a new headline. Try a new word or highlight a new detail in your headline. You’re more likely to grab new readers with a unique setup on the article.
  • Write new copy. Again, highlight a new part of the story or frame it differently. Your copy can change how people perceive the story as a whole, and something as simple as an emoji can make a huge image on audience interaction.
  • Understand who you’re talking to. If you know your audience well, you’ll be able to appeal to them. Start by looking at your audience on each platform and learning what motivates them.
  • Constantly test and try new things. Don’t fall into a rut and do the same thing over and over. Algorithms and audiences are constantly evolving, and you need to make sure that your team learns how to evolve right alongside them.

Generating new content from the old

Sometimes, you’re going to produce a written piece that lights up your audience. When you strike a chord, don’t let it fizzle out. Here are some simple ways to build on what you’ve already created:

  • Create infographics. Visual elements can summarize your content and repackage it in a way that appeals to new readers. A good infographic is clear, full of concise information, and shareable.
  • Audio content. Podcasts, live broadcasts, etc. are huge. Why not interview an expert to dive deeper into your chosen topic? This could be a great way to engage your audience and share information.
  • Make it into a video. If you’ve got a blog post, you’ve likely got a script for a video. Use it as a voiceover and add visual elements to your words.
  • Webinars and Lives. Go for a deep dive. Build on topics and package them into a webinar with a known name or an expert in the field, allowing you to go deep with your audience and collect emails for further communication.

Get some help

True Anthem is here to fill in the gaps. A 24/7 posting strategy can be tedious to execute and almost impossible to plan well. Our AI scheduling tool learns your audience and your content and helps you get your posts in front of the right people at the right time. Click here to set up a demo today.

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