True Anthem at the MediaPost Publishing Insider Summit

We’re out and about this month! First up, we’re sponsoring the MediaPost Publishing Insider Summit. What’s this all about?

From the website:

For over a decade the MediaPost Publishing Insider Summit has followed a single remit: follow the money. What business models and revenue streams can make media sustainable? This year we look for the green shoots of growth opportunities after the media thaw.

We will explore:

– Media business portfolios for 2024
– Video revenue opportunities across platforms
– AI as innovation, not automation
– Ad sales strategies for a thawing market
– New forms of e-commerce for publishers
– Is social still monetizable?
– Custom content and media brands

In short, publishers are convening to figure out how to stay afloat and thrive in a very tough media landscape. True Anthem’s CEO, Chris Hart, and VP of Strategy & Innovation, Sean Magee, will be on the ground to meet with publishers to share what we’ve learned and broaden our knowledge on this tough topic.

If you’re going to be around, reach out and say hello!

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