How to repost on Facebook and drive more traffic

how to drive more traffic to facebook page

Are you having some trouble gaining traction on your Facebook page? You’re not alone. Across the board, organic reach on Facebook has experienced a drastic drop in engagement. The average post is only boosting a current 0.07% engagement rate. So, is it even worth posting on Facebook anymore? Absolutely, but it takes some strategy. 

You may be familiar with the reposting feature, where you can help boost the traffic of other accounts. But did you know you can do the same for your own? Reposting your previously made content is a powerful method of increasing your Facebook traffic at no cost and with little effort. Sometimes, the reposts outperform the original post! 

First, let’s review why Facebook has become hard to use successfully. Then, we’ll show you how to effectively recirculate your content to drive more traffic on Facebook and get the most out of your content. 

Why is it hard to build traffic on Facebook?

Organic reach on Facebook has been down in the last few years. Meta cites two main factors for why this is happening:

  • Platform competition: More content is being shared on Facebook every day. Meta estimates that at least 1,500 stories can appear on the average user’s feed at every login, while around 15,000 could appear on feeds of larger accounts. It’s become far more content than a user has time to explore. And smartphones have made it even easier to post excess Facebook content, further clogging the space. 
  • News Feed filtering: Facebook’s News Feed shows users what is most relevant to their interests. The algorithm ranks which stories to show users based on thousands of factors, showing only 300 of 1,500 possible stories. This makes organic reach extremely difficult when you’re cut off from most of the users. You may not make the cut unless your content strategy is optimized for distribution. Even then, competition is tough. 

Benefits of reposting on Facebook 

Probably the most significant benefit of reposting Facebook content is that it saves you time. Repurposing content you already have and know performs well means less researching and creating new content. When you’re shooting for a higher social media ROI, anything that yields positive results for minimal effort is worth it.

Another benefit, especially for publishers with a broad audience, is that reposting allows you to hit multiple time zones. We talk a lot about consistency with social media publishing and making sure that you are posting when your audience is most active. However, there is a benefit to posting the same content at different times. This allows users in other parts of the world to engage with your content while it’s fresh and new. Reposting at different times is also a great way to experiment with new audiences.

Finally, your repost may not get as many clicks as the original. This is completely fine! If your first post gets 1,000 clicks and your second only gets 500, that’s still 500 more engagements than you got initially. 

How to boost traffic with Facebook reposts 

While the steps for reposting are simple, there are some factors to consider before you start. 

Repost well-performing content

First, you can’t pick just ANY post. You want to ensure your Facebook posts are high-performing and resonate with your audience. There are two types of content to focus on: evergreen and recent content. 

Evergreen content is generally perfect for the reposting method. You probably already have a ton of this content, and True Anthem’s tool is ideal for picking it out if you need help finding it. However, if you need help, we discuss creating a well of evergreen content here. Recent content is urgent content like ‘breaking news.’ These are stories that publishers need to publish right away and repost just as fast, within 24 hours, generally of the first post.

Reposting strategy 

You won’t get the same effects reposting every post within the same timeline. With this method, the sweet spot for driving more traffic on Facebook is to repost within 1 to 10 days of the original post. 

However, just like with all other posting suggestions, your reposting strategy will depend on unique factors related to your audience. ‘Breaking news’ posts in publishing wouldn’t fit in the 1-10 day category. These should be reposted within 24 hours to seek the same engagement boost. Other Facebook posts may perform better between 96 hours and four days. We talk more about recirculation techniques based on post-longevity through True Anthem data in this article

Post frequency

How often you repost on Facebook will depend on your social media goals. However, it’s safe to say doing it too often will not yield the results you’re looking for. Reposting too much can get you flagged by the platform or reported as spam. Some users are also very picky about their feeds. If they continue to see the same post 3 or 4 times from you, you could lose a loyal follower. 

By analyzing your analytics, you can see how well your posts are performing, which are performing the best, and figure out a good balance. You don’t want to violate Facebook policies for unoriginal content or pester your audience. 

Drive more traffic on Facebook with AI 

Reposting on Facebook is not hard, but the steps to do it correctly can be time-consuming. It takes work to create a strategy for driving more traffic on Facebook and identifying evergreen content. It also takes work if a ‘breaking story’ is released to ensure you’re reposting while it’s still relevant. 

Enhancing your social media strategy with AI can reduce the effort it takes to repost on Facebook, saving you time and money. True Anthem’s algorithm allows publishers to identify their best-performing posts and potential evergreen content so they know which posts are the best to recirculate. Using the analytics, publishers can also pinpoint the best times to publish for their audience and schedule posts (and reposts) ahead of time. 

Reposting should be an easy way for you to drive more traffic on Facebook, not more stress. See what True Anthem can do to help ease some of the day-to-day burdens of social media posting. We can even send a demo so you can give it a try!

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