The secrets to effective social media scheduling in 2024

social media scheduler

Social media will continue to be a powerful marketing tool for publishers in 2024. These platforms render fantastic ways to reach your audience, connect, network, and secure those loyal subscribers. But let’s face it, social media is a lot. Aside from the pressure of creating compelling content, staying consistent in posting and scheduling is crucial.

Keeping up with social media demands starts with understanding the struggles of consistent scheduling and choosing the right social media scheduler to help. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most critical factors to keep in mind when scheduling on social media and what qualities your tool needs to meet your goals. 

Secrets of social media scheduling

In 2024, most platforms are shifting toward a more personalized approach to content. Brands cannot just Google ‘best times to post on’ any given channel. News feeds have become saturated with so much content that posting at a popular time will not get you the desired results. 

Your brand and audience are unique, and your scheduling strategy and social media scheduler must match. When developing a posting schedule, here are some important things to keep in mind. 

Understand your audience

If you don’t know who you’re trying to reach, how do you know when to reach them? How does social media know who to push it to? 

You have to know the audience, inside and out. This includes everything from their likes, dislikes, behaviors online, buying history, values, perspectives, and more. You can get a good idea of who is interested in your content by using analytics from each platform, but that’s a lot of work. 

Finding a tool that examines your social media across all platforms will let you know what’s working without the extra time to log in to each platform. Your best-performing content will typically give you an idea of who your audience is, and there are tools out there that will even flag these posts so you don’t have to search. 

Up your recirculation game

Recirculation strategies focus on using what you have, not reinventing the wheel. Your current audience already loves some of what you do. What do they love the most, and how can you do more for a consistent flow of tailored content? 

When it comes to scheduling, recirculating your content makes the act of scheduling far easier. If you repurpose content that you know your audience already loves, you also know when they are most likely to engage with it. Plus, since this is content you already have, you can create similar content ahead of time, allowing your team to schedule posts days, weeks, or even months ahead. 

While recirculating content sounds easy, it’s not as simple as choosing your most popular posts. Just because you have a viral video or story with tons of views doesn’t mean those are the pieces your particular audience is looking for. You must look at other KPIs to see which posts rank well. This means looking at metrics like shares, reposts, posts that spark user-generated content and comments. 

True Anthem’s scheduling tool uses AI to flag content that can be successfully recirculated and tags evergreen content potential. We talk more about creating recirculation strategies here and how to use them to build a more consistent flow of traffic and revenue. 

Adjusting to algorithms

Social media algorithms are constantly evolving. It feels like there is something new every day. As much as we hate saying it, brands have to pay attention to these changes, especially when scheduling content. Sometimes, it might only result in minor adjustments to your strategy, but ignoring algorithm updates could be detrimental to your growth. 

One of the best ways to know if you are aligning your social media goals with the desires of the current algorithm is to test. Try new content types, popular hashtags, and relevant trends to your niche. Rather than a social media scheduler, use a social media management tool like True Anthem’s to gauge which posts are hitting best with your audience. This test will help determine which parts of the new algorithm are most beneficial for your strategy and allow you to adjust for success. 


Don’t be afraid to try new things on social media. Yes, the algorithms are a little scary, and they determine when and how much of your audience can see your content on their feed. However, social media is also not a make-a-break thing. 

If you try a few new posts that don’t hit, try again. You aren’t going to ruin your chance at online success by going outside of the box here and there, as long as you are staying in line with the topics and stories your audience likes. 

Content is king

At the end of the day, the quality of your content is the most essential part of our strategy. This is why we constantly say content is king on social media. When you schedule content, you want to ensure it is your best every time. If it’s not, your audience will notice. 

Your content should have sharp images/videos, engaging captions, and a clear message for your audience. If you’re not meeting these expectations, it doesn’t matter when you schedule your content or make it on the top of their feed. Your audience won’t be interested, and it’s time and money wasted. 

True Anthem is more than a social media scheduler

Social media schedulers are super helpful in managing your content, but not all of them are the same. True Anthem’s tool is far more than a social media scheduler. Our algorithm is optimized to not only schedule your posts and automate publishing but also to help determine which parts of your social media strategy need to adjustments for better results.  

True Anthem can analyze your content and identify your audience, repost content efficiently and effectively, and highlight the best posts for recirculation. Automating with our AI-powered tool takes some of the less desirable parts of social media off your plate and gives your team time to innovate and be creative. You can request a demo here, or connect with us to find out more about how True Anthem can help.

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