Building a successful social media team: The Importance of human and AI collaboration

human and AI collaboration

Social media is constantly evolving, and businesses must be relentless to stay relevant on all channels and platforms simultaneously. AI has revolutionized the industry, helping publishers remain consistent with posting, but AI can’t do it all. There’s value in AI and human collaboration in social media management to capitalize on the power of these platforms. One great example is True Anthem, a platform that utilizes AI to assist businesses with social media content distribution and data analysis.

So how do you keep up? How can you maintain the essential roles of social media management? What are the benefits of AI, and how can businesses collaborate with these programs to maximize their social media strategy? Keep reading, we’ve got you covered.

Essential roles in a social media team

Social media has become a team activity if you want to do it right. Several roles should be assigned to each team, each with its own responsibilities to grow and maintain the current audience.

You can customize your social media team any way you need to fit your business. Here are a few common roles to consider. 

Social Media Roles

  • Social Media Managers: Social media managers are the team leads. They create the strategy and ensure it’s on point with the brand and audience. Managers are fluent in knowing what the existing followers are looking for and where the brand wants to expand. In addition, this person becomes familiar with the algorithms of each platform, develops the editorial calendar, and ensures consistency. 
  • Content Creators: These team members create content for social media accounts on all digital channels. Content can include posts, videos, stories, etc. Content creators work with all members of the team for ideas and direction. Sometimes, this role is split between a separate copywriter and another team member who creates the visual parts. 
  • Content Strategists: Content strategists focus on the ‘big picture.’ They look for fresh and new angles to grow accounts and create engaging content. Strategists work closely with community managers. 
  • Data Analyst: Each platform has analytics and data to decipher to ensure a brand’s account is well received. The analyst dives deep into reports to establish what is working, where the platforms can improve, and benchmarks the team can meet for desired results. 
  • Community Managers: This role could be wrapped into the social media manager–especially in smaller companies–but it’s worth it if you have a big enough team to dedicate a community manager. Community managers are responsible for monitoring community interaction with the brand on all social channels and gauging how content is received. These managers work closely with data analysts. 

Integrating AI into the social media team

So now that you have all your roles established on your social media team, where does AI come in? With so many team members, do you need additional help from technology? Absolutely. 

AI analytics and insights 

First, AI can take a lot of stress off a team to analyze the analytics from each platform. AI-driven analytics and insights show a brand’s audience’s actual and predictive behaviors. True Anthem, for instance, uses AI to predict optimal times for posting, providing businesses with powerful insights into their audience’s behavior. This step removes the need for teams to guess where to direct their content and allows them to thrive in proven areas of success. 

AI-powered content distribution 

Using these predictive analytics, social media teams can distribute AI-powered content to help schedule content at optimal times. This is one of the best reasons to integrate AI. For example, True Anthem offers AI-powered content scheduling that allows businesses to post content when it is most likely to engage their audiences.

Automatic continent distribution allows teams to schedule posts to publish without being in front of the computer. No experimenting is needed.  

Streamlining workflow and enhancing efficiency 

Finally, AI helps teams streamline their workflow and enhance the efficiency of online brand awareness. So much social media is repetitive tasks and analyzing large amounts of data. 

With AI allowing teams to automate tasks and improve decision-making, teams have more time to focus on quality and creativity and collaborate with other team members. True Anthem helps by automating the content distribution process and providing valuable insights, allowing social media teams to focus more on creating high-quality content.

Fostering human collaboration with AI

One of the worries about implementing AI into social media teams is the fear of stifling the creativity of content creation. Typically, content creators enjoy wordplay and creating images/videos as a form of expression. Involving AI can cause sour feelings and make team members feel undervalued or disposable. But it doesn’t have to. There are plenty of ways to foster healthy human collaboration with AI tools: 

  • Balancing creativity and automation: Ensure you are not bowing to your AI program for guidance on every step of the social media process. Leave space for your content team to be creative in their posts and connect with your audience. Balance your team’s need to be creative with automation by providing only the vital information and suggestions they need as a springboard. 
  • Ensuring ethical use of AI technology: There’s a valid fear for social media teams that a program will replace their jobs when AI comes on the scene. While AI essentially does most tasks a social media team is hired to do, that doesn’t mean it should. AI runs on data and predictions, not emotions or creative juices. Your business will still need humans to ensure your brand’s content is original and unique. 
  • Embracing AI as a tool to empower the team: AI has so much potential to bring teams together, especially when it comes to the tedious tasks no one wants to do. Highlight the benefits of implementing AI and the tasks employees can concentrate on with the extra time provided by automating certain portions of the workday. True Anthem’s automated content distribution can handle the mundane task of scheduling posts, freeing up your team to focus on creating engaging content.

AI and human collaboration are the future

AI is not here to replace employees but to help them. There are so many benefits to implementing AI into your existing social media strategy to free up time, increase engagement, and quickly analyze what’s working for your brand to craft a stronger strategy. Solutions like True Anthem’s AI-powered content distribution can be a part of this new wave of social media management.

Leveraging your team members’ skills and AI tools will only provide more direction for your team to use their creative talents in a way that is bound to grow your online brand. Finding where AI fits best may take trial and error, but the rewards are worth the effort. 

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