Reasons Why Consistency is King in Content 

consistent content creation

When your brand gains a loyal following on a platform, it’s not often from a one-off viral post. Your audience continues to show up because they enjoy what you’re bringing. It could be your authenticity, humor, topics, inspirational posts, whatever. Consistency is everything on social media—consistent content creation is the crown jewel of platform success.

So, what does it mean to be consistent? Why is it so essential to building your brand? Let’s look at the basics of consistent content creation and how implementing these strategies can equal success on social media.

What is consistent content creation?

Consistency encompasses more than just scheduling your posts at the exact times each week. Sure, you want your content to reach your audience when they are most active and likely to engage. However, there is more to consistent content creation than just time.

When creating your content, you want to maintain a consistent tone, style, quality, frequency, and array of topics. Surprises and randomness can be fun, but often, they are not why your audience is following you. Readers want predictability—they return because they know what to expect from your content.

For example, your content, for the most part, should look and feel as if the same person made it. This is easy when your social media team knows and understands your brand. Working collaboratively to convey your brand’s mission through your content is the best strategy to kick-start consistency across your platforms. It creates a united front from which goals and action steps can be created to elevate your strategy.

The importance of consistent content creation 

Your audience needs to know your voice—it makes you relatable. Social media has gotten a bad rap over the years for drama. However, it’s also an excellent tool for your business to build trust and engagement with your readers. This is done through quality and consistency at every step of your content creation process, from creation to publication.

If you continue to show up and give your best for your audience, they can tell, and so can the platforms. Social media algorithms love accounts that produce and post consistent content that achieves high engagement. These platforms will reward consistency in distribution, putting more of your content in front of your target audience.

The best part? Consistency allows you to grow in areas that you’re already good at. If your audience loves a particular content style you enjoy making, it’s a win-win. Since you want your content to mirror your brand’s mission, your content can be another outlet for you to share your passion with readers.

Quick tips for staying consistent

It is easier to see the benefits of consistent content creation than to ensure your team carries it out. Consistency can be a lot of work, from creating to scheduling to analyzing to making goals for continuous improvements. It’s not impossible, but it does take planning and strategy. There’s no one-size-fits-all tactic to staying consistent. Every team has different resources and bandwidths for their social media. However, here are a few general tips that can help:

  • Set goals: Make sure everyone is on the same page. Create goals with your team and take achievable steps to accomplish them. 
  • Content calendars: Lay out all your posts and any future posts with deadlines to stay on top of your content and fill gaps before they occur. 
  • Publishing schedules: Alongside your calendar, create a publishing schedule that fits your target audience and increases the chances of your readers seeing your content. Integrating automation tools in this area can help immensely to make sure your content is published at an optimal time for your audience. 
  • Streamline creation: Teams can maintain consistency best when they know what process to follow. Develop a creation process where all team members know the steps for creating and publishing content with defined roles.  
  • Recirculate: Repurposing already proven successful content helps you stay consistent by saving the time and effort needed to create new content. Recirculation also boosts traffic and engagement. Perfect! 

How True Anthem optimizes consistency in your content

We want brands to be successful with their presence on social media and to get the most out of the time they spend. 

Our AI social media management tool is about streamlining your process and keeping your publishing schedule running smoothly. Back in October 2023, True Anthem launched a new feature called Similar Content, a powerful tool that finds similar content across your website to help with consistency. We pick out those content gems your audience craves with tips on recirculating and expanding on what works. Then, you can schedule content ahead and follow its progression, following best-performing posts and tapping into precious evergreen posts.

There are so many things True Anthem can do for you. For more help staying consistent on your social media journey, connect with us to set up a demo.

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