Most effective types of LinkedIn Posts in 2024

types of linkedin posts

If your brand is not currently on LinkedIn, it’s time. LinkedIn is a highly underestimated tool with over 822 million users engaging on the platform every day. It’s become a powerful outlet for brands to stand out in their niche and boasts a record level of engagement to help build a loyal audience. 

However, unlike other social platforms, publishers cannot approach LinkedIn in the same manner as Facebook, Instagram or X. Earlier this year, LinkedIn outlined some changes to its algorithm including refining content distribution to become highly tailored to different niches. This update, combined with its already stark differences to other platforms, means publishers will have to create a special content marketing strategy for LinkedIn to leverage it’s benefits for online growth. 

First, let’s do a quick little intro to LinkedIn to see how it differs from other platforms. Next, we’ll cover the most effective types of LinkedIn posts in 2024 and in what areas they are performing best. 

Intro to LinkedIn for publishers

Unfortunalty, you may not be able to repurpose all of your typical social media content on LinkedIn. Mastering LinkedIn for publishers means understanding the platform’s unique features and benefits before creating content for your audience. 

LinkedIn was launched in 2003 as a business networking platform. In 2006, the platform expanded, offering promotional options and premium features to help companies drive revenue through their accounts. While most people seem to have a LinkedIn profile these days, it’s important to note that it’s still a very business oriented space. This is a place where professionals, brands, and businesses looking to network within their niche thrive.

Some of the most critical LinkedIn benefits for publishers to keep in mind include: 

  • Lead generation and conversions. Surprisingly, studies have found that 3x more sales conversions occur on LinkedIn compared to Facebook, the powerhouse of all social media platforms! Why? Because LinkedIn users tend to be more committed than users on other platforms, and are looking for accounts to trust and engage with. 
  • Niche leadership. LinkedIn is a perfect platform to establish your brand as a leader in your niche. Readers on LinkedIn are looking for quality news from reliable sources. If you produce a steady stream of quality content, you can establish a loyal audience that returns time and again for your expertise. Establishing yourself as a niche leader starts with creating a killer LinkedIn business page, which we provide several tips for setting up.
  • Valid sources. LinkedIn platform tools allows brands to publish in-app content that helps qualify them as a valid source. You can publish articles, host a podcast, or use livestream to connect with your audience. When optimized correctly, your content can even pop up in search engine results for readers who are looking for it. 

Once you understand your LinkedIn audience and how to cater to the platform’s demographics, creating engaging LinkedIn posts will go a bit smoother. There are several different post types on LinkedIn proven to accomplish your goals, some showing more benefits for publishers in 2024 than others.

LinkedIn post changes

Things are constantly changing in the social media world. Before we talk about types of LinkedIn posts you should be focusing, here are a features that are not longer available that publishers should make note of:

  • Carousels: LinkedIn stopped the use of carseouls back in December 2023. All previous carousel posts were removed. This is another feature that sets LinkedIn apart from other platforms such as Instagram, whose carousel posts are making a comeback in 2024. You can still work around not having the carousel feature by posting a separate PDF for each image, but you can also use the multi-image option, which we will talk about in a bit. 
  • Link posts: Once a very popular method for brands to lead users to their website, LinkedIn also removed the ability to post linked-images. All previous linked-images were deactivated. The algorithim now favors posts that keep users within the platform. 
  • Profile videos: Video posts are of course still available on LinkedIn but profile videos as an introduction are no longer available. Why? Most users didn’t even know it was available. If you want to do an intro video, you’ll just have to do a standard video post. 

Effective LinkedIn posts 2024

Now let’s dive into the most effective types of LinkedIn posts of 2024 and how you can best implement them into your current social media strategy: 

Multi-image posts 

These LinkedIn image posts are showing the most potential for engagement by far this year, around 3.85%. Multi-image posts are an alternative to carousel posts, where you can select up to 20 images. While carousels required users to click through to see each photo, multi-image posts show on your feed in a collage, where users have to click to expand for the rest. 

You don’t have to use all 20 spots, and it’s probably best not to. LinkedIn is not the place to photo-dump. Only post quality photos and photos that are relevant. 

Video posts 

Videos continue to reign over most social media platforms, so it’s no surprise that they are also popular on LinkedIn. Video posts have the highest share rate among other types of LinkedIn posts, with a median share rate of 3. For publishers looking to boost brand awareness, these types of posts are going to be especially helpful. 

Keep in mind that with videos continuing to rise in popularity, feeds can feel overly saturated with content. This means publishers have to put their best quality videos forward every time. Don’t give your audience an excuse to swipe away. Also, make sure you format your LinkedIn videos correctly to errors in uploading.

LinkedIn Articles 

LinkedIn articles have become more popular now that linked image posts are no longer available. Posting articles is a great way to show your brand’s expertise. These posts also provide more opportunities to become evergreen content and tend to bring in a ton of readers from outside of the platform. 

When publishing LinkedIn articles, make sure you only publish researched, informative, cited, and interesting pieces. Include a call-to-action at the end so readers know where to find you outside the app. 

Text posts 

Finally, text posts are getting a second chance on social media platforms, and LinkedIn is no exception. With the launch of Instagram Threads and some brands shifting away from X, LinkedIn users are finding nostalgia in plain text posts. 

Publishers can use these to their advantage by saving text posts for brand announcements, special news bulletins, engaging your audience with a question or announcing something like a contest or giveaway to come. You have 3,000 characters to use, but it’s best to keep these short and sweet. Bulky text posts do not perform well and most users have no patience or time to click “read more.” 

If you’re still having trouble figuring out how to manage your LinkedIn content with the rest of your social media undertaking, automating parts of your everyday social media strategy can make a huge difference. Request a demo of our automation tool to see where True Anthem can help.

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