What should posting frequency on Instagram look like?

Posting Frequency on Instagram

Instagram has been around for a while. If you’re a publisher, chances are good that you’ve developed some strategy around your posting. You’ve studied the algorithm. Maybe you even think you have a feel for what type of content works or doesn’t work. The hardest question to answer a lot of the time is one that feels like it should be easy: What should my posting frequency on Instagram be?

Let’s start with some clarification: When we refer to the number of posts, we are specifically referring to Feed posts. IGTV, Stories, and Reels have some different expectations surrounding content, and Stories in particular may be a bit more fluid in the amount of posting you do.

Where do you start?

What is your cadence right now? Do you even have one? You have to start where you are. If you’re posting once a week, this is the bare minimum. Any less than that, and you’re likely to see an engagement drop. If you’re posting about every other day, this is slightly better, but still not optimal.

The most important part of any social media strategy is consistency. You have to keep showing up. If you post every day for a week and then drop off for a week, you’re going to lose any momentum you built with that burst of consistency.

If you’re going to start anywhere, start with posting regularly.

What is an ideal posting rhythm?

Ideally, you should be posting 1-2 times a day, or a total of about 10x/week. Seem impossible? It’s not! There are a lot of ways to break it down so that things don’t seem so overwhelming.

Sometimes recurring features a couple times a week may be helpful. Maybe you do a Monday Motivation or a Client Feature on Wednesdays. Whatever fits your brand and has a deep content well to draw from! Also, keep in mind that your Feed should not feel like a long string of advertisements. If you are struggling to come up with marketing posts, you’re probably doing it wrong. Be sure that your Feed feels human and that you’re creating content your audience should enjoy. A little humor and inspiration can go a long way for your brand.

How often should I post Instagram Stories? IGTV? Reels?

These are all newer features and are used in a lot of different ways, so the rules tend to be less stringent in other parts of Instagram. So, keep that in mind as we talk through these suggestions. They are just that: Suggestions. Experiment, try things, and see what works for your team.


1-7 at a time is the current recommendation. They’re on a rolling 24 hour count, and some studies have shown a noticeable drop off after the 7th story. Try it, see what works. There is a lot of leeway in this area, and if you’re posting engaging stories, people are likely to keep it going.


Once again, consistency is key. Try to post 4-7 a week to keep momentum going. If you’re consistently posting, you’ve got a good chance of staying in the Reels stream and getting extra eyeballs on your work.


This should be longer form video. Most accounts can post 10 minute videos, with larger, verified accounts going up to 60 minutes. Chances are, you aren’t going to have a long form video every day. Posting something to IGTV weekly is a good goal, keeping in mind that it can also post to your feed and your stories.

So how often should my business post in Instagram?

Here’s a quick recap:

  • Feed: 5-7 times per week
  • Stories: 1-7 in a 24 hour period
  • Reels: 4-7 per week
  • IGTV: Weekly

This is a good guideline if you just need to figure out where to start. There is always flexibility, and you should also be monitoring your analytics to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your content. Good luck!

Contact us to learn how our social media automation tool can publish content to your Instagram business page.

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